Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ethical dilemmas in field research

Human Resources teams across organizations represent managements, managers, employees and are most of the time privi to lot more information than others. Either formally or informally HR professionals do engage in information collection at various levels in the organization to be able to do their job better.

I came across this very interesting article on research ethics in IJME (Indian Journal of Medical Ethics) that talks about dilemmas faced by professionals while they undertake fieldwork with a defined objective. How they end up involuntarily gathering information which is different from and more than required, how interest of respondents becomes important, how current scenario can create a diversion to planned research. Read the full article on

Interesting reading for HR professionals who can relate this to field research that they do in their organizations and around.

Article is written by Qudsiya Contractor - a social scientist based out of Scotland. The piece was written during her stay in Mumbai. She also happens to be an alumnus of TISS Mumbai. Comments can be mailed to