Friday, April 12, 2013

Job hunt #Twitter

Did you hear the latest ‘talk of the town’ ...140 character resume and you already started counting your words on your CV?
So twitter seems to be next recruiting tools but is it better? That time can only tell..
However considering the lengthy resumes which requires lots for effort from candidate for the best possible editing and hardly any from employer to leave it unread or simply move it to trash, 140 character is appealing. At least, scanning time will reduce and cracking the code of TAT would not be that far stretched dream.
But will 140 characters reveal all what is required for that ice breaker call? Or is it a start of new skill set development with some tweety vocab to describe ones career in an abbreviated 10 HR Head (R/EE/PMS/SC/TD) Mum MBA Org: ABC/DEF/GHI, wow and all this in just 57 characters. Not bad!! So now recruiters can expect some good filtering on comm. Skills J by default!!
Most interestingly twitter or social media scores on transparency and communication, which in portal is just one way. Here employer would be more conscious of the brand, when it comes to follow up tweets. Remember how many emails/calls it took you for you to onboard last job.
But how many are really twitter savvy or will this just cater to a niche segment or a social segment. Does that mean loosing on some good audience?  That’s a good discussion point too.
Nevertheless it’s a good connect and word on social media spreads more than any other channel and no harm in trying after all it has the best pricing. IT’S FREE


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