Author: Pranay Reddy
Pranay Reddy - PlugHR Pro

Some days ago I asked a friend, “What is your
chance of becoming the next top shot entrepreneur running a billion dollar
company”. He replied, “Its 1/2, either I’ll become one or else I won’t. Suffice
it to say, either he has it in him to be the next Jobs or else he’s destined to
bite dust. The point to be highlighted as per him is that, his chances of
reaching those heights are as high as 50%, so are the chances to fall in glitch.
If the aforesaid, dictum is true then what do you have to say for snowing in
Delhi. Well, as expected we have an identical answer, probability of snowing
are as likely as 50% i.e. either it snows or it doesn’t. Weird isn’t it? The
explanation of the aforementioned paradox is the property of probability, known
as chances of an event occurring should be equally
likely. This explains for the reason why it doesn’t snow in Delhi, because
the chances of such an occurrence are close to zero. Similarly, if we speak of
chances of rain in Mumbai during monsoons; because the conditions are so
favorable it is as high as 90%.
For the sake of argument, what are the
chances, of an aspiring entrepreneur to achieve stardom, now that we know the
property of probability of ‘Equally likeliness’? Let’s apply some basics of mathematics: The
chances of you attaining success in you entrepreneurial sojourn is say, m/n, where m is the no. of successful entrepreneurs and n is the total no. of entrepreneurs. But, as we know n>>m, i.e. n is a much larger no. then m
the fraction m/n is close to ZERO. Does that mean that chances of
your entrepreneurial journey ending up as a success is close to zero? The big
and the obvious answer to this question is a big fat NO. But sane people have
said and I quote, “Logic seldom lies, and math never”. So the only solution to
this problem is to reduce the burgeoning no. n exponentially.
This calls for some introspection and some
sound strategizing. It is indispensable to have an idea, which is unique, robust,
ingenious and off course scalable if you’ve to reach heights. If you have such
an idea, next step is implementation, and that too you need an ecosystem for
your idea to thrive and veritably hard work, will power and dedication as
quoted by Legend himself, Milkha Singh. Inspite, of stuffed with truckloads of
abovementioned attributes, the trick that entrepreneurs miss are there people.
Irrespective of the domain of your industry
viz. services, manufacturing, etc., whatever you create, you do it for people.
Gurucharan Das once spoke, the best form of R&D must involve taking in the
opinion of your customers, and the best way to do that is to involve your own
people. It is the people who create things not machines. Suffice, to say if
your workforce is motivated, supported and happy, they are in amicable
condition to spell a magic in your venture. Always remember, only humans can
think of what humans want, not machines.
So, I cannot guarantee the causal of
entrepreneurial Yahoo, but can promise lots of correlations. Apple Inc. who’re
committed to their workforce recently overtook Coca Cola, as the most valuable
brand, and they did that without incurring any cost in advertising!
Pranay Reddy - PlugHR Pro
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