There have been numerous posts about how to "Retain" your talent. No doubt this topic might be debatable, and most of us might have extreme views on this topic. But just thought to take on this topic, and try to understand, explore and uncover some of the assumptions that are involved in it. This post would touch upon the angle from the employees side as well as from the employer's side. So are you ready to get into this unique world of retaining and getting retained!!!
Well, getting retained is surely an important thing from both the parties i.e. employee and employers. So does it mean there are scenarios when the employee wants to get retained!!
Well, if this is true, it is surely a big risk. What does that mean!! Well, if an employee knows his/her own value in the company, they can take a chance to resign and then hope for the company to retain them. Or they have a great offer in hand and might want to negotiate. So what's wrong in it!! You might ask, right!! Well, there is nothing wrong in knowing your value in the system and no harm trying to negotiate with your current company. But what about the offer that you had accepted!! What about the time when you had decided to move out of your current company!!! Does the word "Ethics" come into picture!! Well, it will be interesting to know your thoughts on this.
Okay, let's take another scenario. You decide to move out of your company, and resign. And your company decides to retain you by offering a great role, some extra money, may be if you are lucky an Onsite opportunity too. Again there is nothing wrong in it. Who would say no to this!! Well, how about employees asking this question to themselves "Do you think your company realized your true value only after you resigning!! Food for thought!!! Often companies talk about parity issue!! Now where is the parity issue!! Well, you might say that this is a normal industry standard and happens in all companies. Well, point taken, let's move on :)
I guess by this time most of you might have already started pointing guns on me and all set to make strong objections to this post. Well, the idea is to know your views on this complicated topic. Okay, moving on to the next scenario. Well, there also are genuine cases where the employee might be a bit confused at times, and the employer might sit and counsel and then help him/her to take the right decision. In such cases, one needs to understand the mindset of the employee and make sure that you as an employer listen to them. Some might say why should we listen, they have resigned, they are disconnected with the company etc. Remember, they are still your employees, your brand ambassadors for years. So no point having an EGO, just listen to them and act, react accordingly.
So would you like to get retained!! Looking forward to your views on this topic. Feel free to express it, as some of you might not like to share it on open platform. I do understand it, so you can connect with me on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.
Kunjal Kamdar

Kunjal Kamdar has been involved in sourcing for the last eight years, having worked in both recruitment and sourcing capacities. Kunjal enjoys sourcing and using Social Media to expand and innovate new channels in the recruitment process. Blogging is his real passion, and he in turn loves sharing his passion for sourcing and social media with others in the recruiting community.
Designation, Salary, onsite opportunity are various aspects which the current org or the prospective employer will always provide to retain or get the employee on board,it is the support environment as in Flexible hours,telecommuting,dependent care,alternate work schedules,vacations etc which can influence the decision making of any employee to a large extent keeping the changed scenario of work life balance.
Kunjal I agree with the thought value that we should still care and think of employees who have resigned for they'll carry the aftertaste of employers behavior for years to come. On the other hand, I would also see if by offering opportunities / creating opportunities for employees who have resigned, because they're important of course, is kind of giving a wrong message to other (non-deserving) employees : you resign and you get asked what you want! In this scenario, employer might not treat the non deserving employees the same way that they treated the important ones, in this case also employer is leaving a bad taste in that employee to carry ahead.
I agree with your thought but in any case we HR need to balance it out very wisely! Anyway, who said HR's job was easy :)
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