Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A great appraisal challenge !!!

Imagine getting into a new client relationship at apparaisal time and finding that some fifty professionals need to be appraised in absence of any suggested KRAs. Further more their roles also may not be defined clearly and both they and their managers cary different versions about their roles.
Now imagine you are in charge for pulling off this appraisal and there is a deadline. You are wishing you were better dead. So did we.
Thanks to survivor skills of our Group Manager that we really pulled it off after some intense discussions, definitions, form filling, processing and late night coffees.
While India seems to be on a one way journey of growth, state of affairs within organizations remains pretty dismal as far as organization building is concerned. Short cut seems to be the flavor at both companies and training schools thus making original work uninitiated & unrewarded.
plugHR's own research points out clearly that top reason for high attrition in companies is not salaries at all but absence of basic people management practices apart from faith in senior management.
Its time for coporate India to revisit basics we guess and put money where the mouth is. HR is the mouth :)